*missed the first 2 minutes watching the Saints
* big shootout car chase scene
* dumped car in Metairie
* main dudes interrogating Chris
* little police station brawl
* politics, dirty looks and sweaty faces
* suspect yanked from Parish jail warden – he was an escapee
* beer – what the heck kind of accent was that “beeah?”
* drink everyone – they said Katrina
* parents – your son escaped from jail – what? we haven’t talked to him in years – he was a street performer in Jackson Square. We didn’t know he was in jail. Now he is on the loose with his trust fund
* yawn
* silver dude, looking for a street performer
* scene in Jackson Square
* oh yay a commercial
* oh – corrupt sheriff ordered hit on prisoner that escaped
* the partners are in the prison to interview the guy who talks like he has marbles in his mouth
* poor prisoner was a musician who couldn’t play music in the pokey
* partner visits his old cell (he was a former convict whose records were washed away from Katrina and his cell-mate drowned) – he is having flashbacks
* dude on the run calls partner who was a criminal and asks to let his street performing girlfriend go – where is that beer?
* oh goodie – jailhouse brawl- mace
* ok – they lied – the prisoners didn’t escape from jail – they did from prison labor
* Captain calling the partners and the chief wants them off the case because of the prison sheriff
* genius partner can read music and notices the music he “stole” from the prison must have some hidden meaning- puhleeze
* oh ya – he played trumpet in high school – so now he can question the street performer
* sappy cheezy girl crying scene
* pleeeze- we beg you – tell us where he is or he will be on the run forever
* off to the bar to drink and meet the “contact alibi”
* ex-con now cop – confronts prison escapee turned in by crying girlfriend in custody (oy vey so cliche’)
* bad guy from prison comes in and gunshots – office shot
* chase scene with flashbacks –
OOOOHHHHH – evil oil company dumping sludge and prison making prisoners clean it up and keep quiet. Ex-con cop lets the kid escape in his truck.
* ex-con cop giving statement and in comes big bad prison sheriff to break up the DA interview
* oh the heroes are going to have the toxic sludge removed, uncover the story to the Picayunes and escapee is in hospital under NOPD protection
* ex-con cop goes to visit grave of his cellmate that drowned – over