I had to put the SNL land shark skit (safe for work) when I wrote “knock” – just seemed like an obvious fit (at least in my warped mind)! Last night I had the pleasure of going to a beautiful home filled with wonderful people in the once devastated area of Lakeshore Metairie. This area was absolutely destroyed by the 17th Street Canal failure and is about 40% inhabited now. The couple that entertained us took the opportunity to buy a gutted out house and “wow!” I had to keep wiping the drool from my mouth as the house and garden were amazing. Every New Orleans detail- rod iron fence with fleur de lis, original brick walls and indoor copper gas lights. This house had about 6 feet feet of water after the storm and with a lot of work – it is now gorgeous home! They even have wireless and I asked if I could move in their bathroom for a vacation destination! Please – I don’t eat much and I’ll be quiet.
Did I mention this was a Task Force Hope party (that evil red castle group)? The majority of those who attended, are not from here originally or are here temporarily. This is what it takes campers, people that care enough to make a difference. I swear I didn’t see horns or pitchforks at the party!
Note to self – create a large conveyor-belt across the 24 mile Causeway bridge. Wouldn’t it be cool to just stick the car on there, take a nap and wake up on the other end?
Did I mention I love it here? Please don’t tell anyone how great the Northshore is either (it will be our little secret).
(c/p at NOLA.com– hey it pays something!)