This is a fun post where I tell you the stuff people “really” Googled and landed on my blog! I can’t make this stuff up – it is real!!!
***Lots of “kiss” variations: kiss my gumbo, kiss my, kiss boobs, boobs kiss, can I kiss my wife vagina (what a pathetic fool), kiss breasts, I kissed him and now we aren’t friends anymore (I assume a teen), in catholic kissing at boobs is bad or not

***what a pool boy sees (you all know about Ramon my imaginary pool boy – boy does he look good in the middle of summer)

***stacation (all I’ve ever wanted)

***What’s better than fark? (Kiss My Gumbo- lol)

***Sully and Denise (lots looking for them – great SNL skit!)

***you can’t beat it with a stick (I love that expression)

***take a vacation from myself. george costanza (I declare this the Summer of Greta)

***the usual suspects: restaurants, festivals, Louisiana politics, small businesses that I wrote about – but let’s face it – they aren’t funny!

***images borrowed from & (The Princess of Positive always gives credit where credit is due)
***This post can be read on and my personal blog.
***Listen to my radio show each Saturday from 3:00-4:00 on WIST AM 690! This week’s confirmed guest will be Jeannie Emory “The Bra Genie.”