***This post was written by anonymous contributor “Ghost Plate.”
What can I say??!! I just spent some time reading the Legislative Auditor’s report on Mandeville and I’m speechless! For those of you who haven’t seen it yet, here’s the
link to the audit
Before you ask – it looks like nothing was removed or altered from the original document issued to City Hall back in July. The requested removals are listed in the City’s response (also included in the document) and, let me tell you, somebody really has “their panties in a wad” over what remains for we, the “dumb” taxpayers to read.
Let’s just hit some of the highlights, shall we . . . .
1. Mayor Price says “he’s mayor 24/7” so those City credit card charges from the cruise to Mexico are considered “city business” as are the charges from trips out West. Says he would observe other cities to find things (e.g., architecture) that were applicable to Mandeville. Eddie – can I borrow it for my next trip to Europe. They’ve got some pretty impressive architecture there too.
2. Mayor 24/7 = I can use my city vehicle and gas card any time I want
3. Hey, we said the word “Mandeville” at least four times at that lunch at Nuvolari’s – that makes it a “working” lunch, right?
4. Contracts for City projects?? . . . . . we don’t need no stinkin’ contracts!
5. Sure we gave away the toys donated to the Toys For Tots fund!! We couldn’t spend toys!
And the list goes on folks. Bottom line . . . per statements noted in the audit from Mayor Price etal, they had no idea they weren’t supposed to do what they were doing. Sorry guys, ignorance of the law is not an excuse.
And the legal responses from the City are just as telling. I’m not going to spoil it for you (or bore you) here – you absolutely must read this – but let’s just say that the attitude reflected is something along the lines of “We Know Better Than You What The Law Is”.
Happy reading!
***** Latest Update *****
Looks like WWL-TV is planning a fairly large story on this tonight at 5 and 6. As reported by the Northshore bureau at noon, reporters have discussed the audit with the Legislative Auditor and are compiling comments from Mandeville sources. I usually hate watching the news (it’s all usually bad) but I’ll be damned if I’ll miss this one story. Here’s a link to the WWL-TV noon report