Nope – haven’t done a darn bit of shopping for the rugmonsters yet. I did buy a mass number of “in honor of” care packages from Soldiers’ Angels for teachers, coaches etc… This year they will all be getting a card that says they sponsored a holiday care package for a deployed soldier and probably something the kids make. Sorry, still haven’t rolled out my list of ideas for local and “smart shopping” for 2008…yet. But, I wanted to give you a heads up on a couple of things.
1. Save your holiday shopping until 11/23/2008: Please do all of your online shopping through where a percentage of each order made at hundreds of stores will be donated to Soldiers’ Angels. More than 700 top retailers including Amazon, Target, Gap, and others have teamed up with GoodShop and every time you place an order, you’ll be supporting us!
You can use GoodSearch and GoodShop every day, but be sure to check us out on their homepages on November 23, 2008 when Soldiers’ Angels will be featured as the Charity of the Day!!
Go ahead… shop til’ you drop— just wait for November 23, 2008 on
2. See the Amazon ads in my right sidebar. If you click on there and do your normal Amazon shopping – I make money. It doesn’t cost you any extra – so make me happy!!!
The traffic clearly shows people have been shopping 🙂
I actually bought a few presents today!