137Remember how I was trying to discipline myself to write a “big girl post” worthy of a column each Monday? Well, I’ve done fair with it OK – maybe FAIL (sorry Sun Tzu Yoda mentor). But, have reminded myself that blogging is for fun and unless there is a huge prize dangling at the end (working on something- I’ll keep you posted), fun it will continue to be. Am I self-motivated and disciplined – hell ya! Anyhoo, see the picture of me and hubby (I’m standing on something – he is a foot taller than me) drinking a beer (love Louisiana that they served beer at “beerO:30” after a race) with numbers on? Well, last weekend for the first time in 16 years – I ran a road race. I was hit by a car training for a triathlon in 93, had multiple surgeries and then that kid stuff dominated my life for so long I never got back into the workout groove. Then in January of 2008 I got my lady bits and parts removed and who wouldathunk – I felt amazing again after it. Now at 41, I’m training for a traithlon…again (and the crowd goes wild)!!!

Laugh at this: Snake Bite Triathlon
This race takes place in the beautiful swamps surrounding Morgan City, LA. The course is open to vehicular traffic, but will be heavily supported by informed volunteers ready to take care of all snake bites (large or small). Distances are 400m swim, 13 mile bike, and 2 mile run through the beautiful swamp around Morgan City.

Anyone want to join me for the triathlon? Never too late for anything – hopefully not for a media career either:)