Hubby and I met in Florida but grew up 40 minutes for each other in MA. We live outside of New Orleans now and neither of us have lived in MA since we left high school. Ten years ago, we got “lucky” by having his 20 year reunion on a Friday night and my 15 year (my class is off by 5 but it works for me) on the Saturday night of the same weekend. After 10 minutes of figuring out who he dated at his reunion, who was divorced and looking to re-connect and feeling like I was being sized up (dang leftover baby weight), I was ready to go. But, being the trooper who always has a good time or at least makes the best of an awkward situation, I sucked it up (and a few cocktails too). The reunion was totally about him – not me (duh). The next night was my 15 year reunion, so I told him to just say hi to a couple of friends he knew and that he had my blessing to leave. We made a pact that weekend that we would never drag each other to another high school reunion. Now the Facebook group has been created for my upcoming 25 reunion and his 30 year hopefully will be the same weekend. We are fortunate to be able to travel together, but on the night of the reunions- we are going solo! So here it is, my advice (take it or leave it) for high school reunions:
1. Your Facebook profile picture should look like you. If you got a Glamour Shot or gained some pounds – get real! This will avoid the,”Gee, you look nothing like your picture (insert awkward pause here),” moment.
2. Do not get drunk or be “that guy or girl.” Save the lampshade on your head for another time (like the office party). Need I say more?
3. Do study who is going to be there on the RSVP list. Heck, break out the old yearbook if you can (after 9 moves I need to find mine). Nothing more embarrassing than not having a freaking clue who the quiet kid who sat behind you for 4 years in homeroom was when they start a conversation with you.
4. Remember that douchebags then are probably still douchebags. Be cordial – that is enough. I also might add that the nerds are probably the most successful ones!
5. Leave your significant other at home. This is a short amount of time and about you and your “previous” relationships (wink wink). Unless your date knows 90 percent of your class because you stayed local – leave them at home and bring a picture! Heck, we have probably seen their picture on Facebook.
6. Have a couple of pictures ready to show. Save the scrapbook (guilty of this from last time) for home, a couple of pictures on your phone or in your wallet are enough. But be prepared to trump that over the top picture holder who has the “best family” (just in case).
7. Leave your dirty laundry at home. If you have had any drama with anyone in high school or since, nobody gives a rat’s ass! It is a few hours, suck it up or stay at home!
8. Bring a business card or be ready to Bump with your phone. This is also an opportunity to jar your memory in case you absolutely do not recall this person! Hey, you never know when you might need your car fixed with that “high school friend discount.”
9. Don’t be a bragging douchebag. Famous? Rich? Good for you – we only need a brief gloss over your life not your freaking portfolio and resume.
10. Be yourself, unless you suck at being you!
11. Always try to one-up everyone in every conversation.
jusk kidding :^)