If you are here to sign the recall petition, here is the link. Hope you stay a while because there is some great stuff here!

2 Replies to “Petition”

  1. Greta,
    While I appreciate freedom of speech as much as the next girl, I do not think that an internet petition is the most reliable form of asserting that right. I should know–since someone claiming to be me signed your petition– which begs the question, how many other names on it are invalid as well? So let me set the record straight–I do not believe that my father should be recalled. I think he has done, and continues to do, a wonderful job even amidst the onslaught of negativity hurled his way on a daily basis. Please make sure “Shannon Price” is omitted from your petition.
    Shannon Price CASERTA

  2. It is removed Shannon. The purpose of an internet petition was to see if there was interest in a real petition. You’ll be happy to know there isn’t sufficient interest.

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