“holding hands with his little princess”
I know I have the best dad in the world- sorry folks – I win. Sherm, as he affectionately called by everyone or Mistah Mahcus (Bostonspeak for Mr. Marcus). He and my mom have been married over 40 years, he is quite older than my mom (16 or 17 years depending on when you count birthdays) and is a heck of a guy. He has been a musician since he was a kid and grew a moustache in high school so he could play his trumpet at nightclubs and support his ailing mother. He is a Boston native, born and raised and still living in the area. He knows every historic fact there is to know (with a few enhancements) about every building, person and street in Boston. Up until about a month ago, he was working at a job he enjoyed since retired from the music business. He drove the red trolleys in Boston and gave historic tours. He loves his Red Sox – faithfully – year after year and said he could die now since they won the World Series. My kids call him Zaydeh and love him to pieces, just like I do. I get my humor from him, my people skills, my work ethics and all the good qualities I have been given. Thanks Dad – you are the best. Now come move to Louisana!
“though he can’t fix anything himself – he is a heck of a supervisor”