This is a participation post – comment away – GO AHEAD – COMMENT!!!
Cheers to Direct TV for carrying WDSU during the evacuation.
Jeers to all the local stations for barely covering St. Tammany.
Cheers to the media for decent coverage.
Jeers to the media for obviously being disappointed Gustav wasn’t worse & for hanging in the French Quarter half the time.
Cheers to the National Guard for doing such a great job.
Jeers to the thugs who shot at them.
Cheers to Ray Nagin for being strict with looters.
Jeers to any low-life scumbag who tried to loot. Hope Angola served you well.
Cheers to the South Shore for their great evacuation plan.
Jeers to St. Tammany for not having an evacuation plan for elderly &/or elderly with pets.
Cheers tor I-55 doing such a great job with contraflow.
Jeers to I-59 for doing a lousy job with contraflow.
Cheers to CLECO for restoring power ASAP.
Jeers to the trees that dare fall on people’s homes.
Cheers to Rouse’s & Winn Dixie for opening up so quickly.
Jeers to my hubby for trying to coax the kids into eating SPAM (what is that stuff anyways?)
Cheers to Bobby Jindal for being a great public communicator.
CHEERS to all those who heeded the mandatory evacuation announcements and left the area.
JEERS to those who still insisted on driving like a lunatic as they evacuated.