Dear China,
If we send you money will you keep him?
I can’t wait to listen to all the talk show hosts this week make jokes about Nagin being quarantined in China. There is no doubt that many wish he would be quarantined until May 2010 – LOL! So, if you have something funny to say about this scenario (not that any of us wish him ill), but just in the name of humor – let’s here it!
UPDATE: I’ve been laughing out loud for the past hour reading these comments on NOLA.com. h/t Tony for pointing me to the existing humor that was already on teh internets! Well damn – we don’t even know who is in charge here now. Or maybe nobody is better than somebody? My cat is looking for a job! And for those who don’t know, I live on the Northshore of the Lake with a Mayor who many would gladly see join Ray Ray!
Posted by cgolemi on 06/09/09 at 9:50AM
Hope that hotel doesn’t have Chinese Drywall.
Posted by noclimatechg on 06/08/09 at 11:12PM
Our beloved chocolate chief has created the plan for an extended stay. This will probably save us an embarrassment in sydney. Climate change is not a good topic for willy.
Posted by chumpychumps on 06/08/09 at 2:07PM
Flu? Maybe
Swine? Definitely
Posted by krpeppy on 06/08/09 at 9:26AM
He’s looking into manufacture of bullet proof drywall.
Posted by fugaboo on 06/08/09 at 9:28AM
Heard he took V White’s recovery books with him to unload on the Chinese.
Posted by 2fish96 on 06/08/09 at 9:44AM
Wait ! Did you say he was quarantined with FOOT in MOUTH disease ?
Posted by NSGuy on 06/08/09 at 9:19AM
Top 10 Defective Items to be Recalled and Returned to China
1. Ray Nagin
2. Sulfur Drywall
3. Melamine Contaminated Pet Food
4. Lead Painted Toys
5. Hormone Contaminated Seafood
6. Defective Computer Batteries
7. Breakable Bike Frames
8. Shocking Extension Cords
9. Flammable Children’s Clothes
10. Unguarded Saw Blades
Posted by mayorhater on 06/08/09 at 7:25AM
Dear China,
I know we have had our differences in the past, but please keep these people as a small token of our appreciation for all of your hard work with the Olympics. They will be best suited if you put them in your labor concentration camps. If you have another earthquake, do not let them fool you into thinking that they can help “fix” the problem. You are better off on your own.
Thanks again,
P.S -> the opening ceremony was kick @$$!!!
Posted by nola67 on 06/07/09 at 10:50PM
2 First Class Tickets to Shanghai – 3,427 dollars.
8 Nights in a Five Star Hotel – 6,279 dollars.
Having a corrupt and dysfunctional mayor of a ruined city placed under quarantine in a Communist country – PRICELESS.
Posted by golfhack on 06/07/09 at 6:36PM
Dear Mr. Mayor,
While you are in China would you please check to see if I can get a warranty extension on my Plasma Television acquired at Wal-Mart near St. Thomas during September of 2005? It is not working so well now what with the water damage and bullet holes. Thanks, I will always vote for you and Bill Jefferson.
Posted by minds on 06/07/09 at 5:25PM
Confucius say: He who will not economize will have to agonize.
Posted by NOrecovery on 06/07/09 at 4:20PM
Now that the Chinese have shown Nagin how to handle a medical emergency efficiently….perhaps they should flood a city in China and show him how to handle that as well while he is there?
Posted by jsmith342 on 06/07/09 at 4:20PM
Chinese proverb: Give a man a fish and you can feed him for a day. Teach a man to steal, and he can eat for a lifetime.
Posted by dlegaleagle on 06/08/09 at 8:45PM
Dear China,
The village of New Orleans has lost its idiot, and rumor has it that you are holding him. He has walked around the city, proclaiming himself “mayor” for a little over seven years now.
Yes, we do miss our little idiot because he is so darn entertaining. He has such a knack at magic — his specialty is making things disappear. If you leave money near him, it will disappear without a trace, and will mysteriously wind up in the pockets of his friends. Simply amazing.
We are sure that you will find our little idiot quite intriguing. If you do, feel free to keep him. As a bonus you can keep everyone from our village who arrived in China with him. If you decide to do so, I am certain that there will be numerous Humvee purchases in the New Orleans area, once your purchase of the line is complete.
You may keep our idiot and his entourage for one year, risk free. If, after that time, you find him intolerable, you can send him to North Korea. I am sure they can put him to good use.
Thank you,
The Citizens of the Village of New Orleans
Posted by TiredofCrime on 06/08/09 at 2:57PM
And here is number 500.
Nagin, I sincerely hope you and your family makes it through this trying time. Maybe this is a blessing in disguise for you. You, along with 1 Billion others, may find China a suitable place to live out your years. Here are some pro’s to help with your decision:
1) The people would never criticize a Mayor the way you have here in New Orleans….they tend to be afraid of tanks.
2) Their crime camera budget is virtually untapped.
3) Amazing food.
4) You’d be the tallest person in the country.
5) Jim Letten has no jurisdiction in China.
Greta, I have to admit that I was not upset at all about Good Ole’ Mayor Nagin getting stuck in China. It’s only fitting…. Stuck on Stupid is also Stuck in China.
ahhhhh life is good