First off, I want to thank Soldiers’ Angels for making my dream to ride in the W.O.R.L.D. Team’s Face of America bike ride a reality. Been training hard for about a month now to be able to complete this 110 mile ride from DC to Gettysburg this Saturday and Sunday. I’ve been so fortunate to have many life changing opportunities from being around true heroes. Volunteering at the finish line last of this ride year was one of them! Unfortunately, Major Z, the foundation of our team, will not be able to participate as his doctors advised him against it. “Team Soldiers’ Angels” will ride in his honor!

Goals: finish, do not complain about anything, enjoy the camaraderie, try not to drink too much Friday and Saturday night.

***This article explains exactly what we are doing.
***To find out more about the ride and World Team Sports click here.
***My personal donation page for the ride is here. This also tells you a lot about how I was inspired to ride.
***My post about the ride from last year.

Pictures from last year: The Howtizers are placed towards the finish line. The Osprey was in the backyard of the Marine who hosts the final party.
c/p at Hooah Wife and Friends

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