The Windsor Court Hotel had a nomination open for the top 140 New Orleans characters (get it…140 characters….that is the max that are allowed in a Tweet on Twitter). Anyhoo, I was watching and voting as I saw some names of my friend and people I admire get listed. I was excited to recognize so many on the list – seriously.Then my friend (formerly from NOLA), Tammy Munson got some wild idea to nominate me. Well, I’m not sure if I got any votes or if they only had 140 nominations, but I made it to the 140 cut. Tonight, the Windsor Court is holding a receptions to all those who made it. Not sure who is attending, but this is pretty cool! They will also name the top 7 ambassadors tonight as well. I’ve only lived here a little over 3 years and live on the I truly have no business even being listed…but this is way too fun. I’ll be there with bells on!

A. J. Loria
Abby Sands Miller – Photographer
Adele Tiblier
Alden Hagardorn
Allen Toussaint
Amy Boyle Collins
Amzie Adams
Andrew “andy” Brott
Andrew Ramsey
Angela Hill
Angus Lind
Ann Tuennerman
Antonio “”Tony”” LeMon
Barbara Brauner
Becky Allen
Ben Walsh/ AKA T-Ben Boudreaux
Bev Church
Bill deTurk
Blaine Kern
Bob Rue
Bonnie Boyd
Brian Gibbs
Bruce Spizer
Bryan Batt
Cat Fleuriet
Charmaine Neville
chris mcmillian
Chris Rose
Christian Champagne
Cosimo Matassa
Craig Klein
D. Lip Shus aka “Lips”
David R. Silvers, M.D.
Deacon John
Dr Karen Miller Becnel
Dr. Bob
Dr. Greg Rich
Dr. Melinda Sothern
Drew Brees
Earl Higgins
Edward R. Cox
Fats Domino
Fleurty Girl
Frank and Mary Clare Davis
Frank Stansbury
Fred LeBlanc/Cowboy Mouth
Fuzzy and teh Shopping Carts
Garland Robinette
Gary Edwards
George Guerra
George Schmidt
Greta Perry
Irvin Mayfield
Irwin Royes – the World’s Smallest Magician
Jacques Miller-Wallis
Jason Burns
Jerry Romig
Jimmy Delery
Joe Zahavi
John “Spud” McConnell
John Arceneaux
John Besh
John Blanchard
John Houghtaling
Johnny Angel
Joseph Bruno
Josh Clark
Joyce Godbold
Kendall Gensler
Kermit Ruffins
Lady Tambourine Rosalie Ashton-Washington
Lauren Baum
Lauren Hotard
Layne Williams
Leah Chase
Leroy Jones
Leslie Almeida
Lisa Hix
Lloyd Sensat
Margaret Orr
Margarita Bergen
Mark Azzinari
Martin Welch
Mary West
Michael Hecht
Michael W. Cumbie
Michelle Levine
Mike the Oyster Shucker
Miriam Ragan
Mr. Okra
Mr. William M. Prieur
Nicolas Perkin
Nicole Douget
Nina Buck
Paul “Da Cajun” Orgeron
Paul Prudhomme
Paul R. Valteau Jr.
Paul Sanchez
Pete Fountain
Philip (Phil) Melancon
Phyllis Taylor
Pie Lady
Quint Davis
Rachel Vella
Randall Singer
Ray Kern
Rene J. Brunet
Rene Louapre
Reverend Goat Carson
Richard Perez
Ricky Graham
Rita Benson LeBlanc
Rob Gerhart
Ron Forman
Ron Kottemann
Ronald Whiteside West
Ronnie Burns
Ronnie Virgets
Scott Cowen
Sean Payton
Shercole King
Sidney Smith
Sidney Torres
Simon the Artist
Simone Bruni
Suzanne McClellan
Terence Blanchard
The Madd Wikkid
Tiffany Ingargiola
TJ Zahavi
Tom Fitzmorris
Tony Leggio
Troy Gilbert
Uncle Lionel Batiste
Warren Woods
Wendy Waren

4 Replies to “Top 140 New Orleans Characters (& I’m one of them)”

  1. Why doesn’t it say “The Notorious” Greta Perry?

    Just kidding. Congratulations. People get listed in these sort of things by making an impression. It seems like you’re pretty easy to remember.

  2. Hey — Nothing wild about it ! You deserve it and you are definitely a character! Have a great time and have a drink for me! 🙂


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