“Kingdom of Strangers, both enlightened and entertained me at the same time. Katya was a great female character to weave into this Saudi murder mystery.” ~Greta Perry~
I love doing book reviews and fortunately have been on a roll lately with a bunch of decent ones. Usually, the books have some tie to the military. Kingdom of Strangers was an exception to this rule, but it peaked my interest. Since I truly know very little about the Saudi culture beyond the media and I love crime novels, this one made it to my reading queue.
The publicist sent me this teaser:
I wonder if you might be interested in reviewing a book that we are publishing called KINGDOM OF STRANGERS which is a mystery about a serial killer in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia that is investigated by a female medical examiner named Katya.
The author, Zoë Ferraris, knows an extraordinary amount about being a woman in an Arab country, as she moved to Saudi Arabia in the aftermath of the first Gulf War to live with her then husband and his extended family of Saudi-Palestinian Bedouins.
It was enjoyable and I hope you have fun with it too!