It seems since the Saints/Vikings game, I have been swept up in a mosh pit and been fed King Cake and alcohol to the point where I am getting nothing accomplished. But then again, it seems like nobody else is doing anything but having fun either. School has been useless when attended and now the …
My life is falling into place nicely. Apologies for the light blogging, but I’ll have my latest video up soon. Keep on supporting the troops. TTYL:)
We had a blast during this hour. Only 2 more shows left. Hard to believe! Click here.
Update: Dirtbag has been identified “outed.” Head on over to This Ain’t Hell for the 411. Great teamwork Milblog community! So you show up to the Mayor of Houston’s Victory Party (Annise Parker) on 12/12/2009 with every bell and whistle on your dress mess uniform and shmooze like you are some military hero. This is …
MLK has always inspired me and his “I have a Dream” speech still makes chills run down my spine. I’ll let you in on a little secret – I’m a bit of a dreamer too (shhh don’t tell anyone). Thought I’d share my dreams about #militarymon (on Twitter and beyond) with you. If you were …
I think I’m due. See you all next year. No worries, I’ll be back and be recharged! Be good everyone!
MERRY EVERYTHING!!! My favorite twisted Christmas website (burn the tree). Of course NORAD Santa is a must! Be careful of what you give her for Christmas!
Going to make my Aunt Helen’s latkes today. Applesauce and sour cream on them and the kids will get some “gelt.”
Stoooopid robber tried to rob a Lucky Dog vendor who was a Marine and…do I even need to tell you who won? Oohrah!
Back asswards – that is what comes to mind when I read this headline on this morning, “New Orleans mayoral race now evenly divided between black and white candidates.” Wait – when I went back to post this, the title of the article had been changed to “Landrieu’s late entry throws a curve ball …
Family overload, if you know what I mean!
First Cao was bought now for recovery deals now Mary Landrieu? OY!
Pictures from the day’s events in New Orleans. Pictures from the presentation of the Liberty Bell from France to the National WWII Museum. In the video below, Sir JJ explains Armistice Day. Armistice Day from Greta Perry on Vimeo.
h/t Bayou Buzz
From the bottom of my heart, I thank all those who put on the uniform for this Country. They Did Their Share On Veteran’s Day we honor Soldiers who protect our nation. For their service as our warriors, They deserve our admiration. Some of them were drafted; Some were volunteers; For some it was just …