This is my first venture out to Slidell (& the kids too). Hubby had house shopped there and it was time for the rest of the fam damily to explore. Of course, a trip to Sam’s Club was sooooo overdue- chaching!!! First, we stopped at a fabulous cafe’, called Southside Cafe’. It was owned by a Marine Veitnam Vet. We so enjoy being around military stuff (hubby just retired) the owner’s retirement flag was displayed, signed pictures, really cool stuff! There was also a bunch of fish/fishermen themed stuff around with cool fish murals.
As for the food, the kid’s portions were huge and came with fries or potato salad, drink was extra. We really need to force the kids to drink water in restaurants while we enjoy soda and beer (lol). The adult plates came naked- nada but the main course. I guess us Yankees aren’t used to paying for the tomato, lettuce etc… we expect that to come automatically with the sandwich. Oh well, live, learn and accept. The total bill for the 5 of us, was $45 – not too cheap, not too expensive.
Next, we were off in search for Sam’s “spend way too much money” Club. Believe it or not, we enjoy an afternoon there – even on a Saturday. My Google map brought us down to the devastated lakeside where houses were being re-built on 20 ft stilts. I would hate to have to deliver furniture to those places! After we drove around a bit, we realized we were WAY off the beaten path. When life hands you lemons…you know the deal.
It is always good for the family to appreciate how fortunate we are and what others went through or are still going through. Of course, after 2 minutes, the kids were back to beating the tar out of each other in the car “she stared at me cross-eyed, he tooted, stop singing so loud.” Fortunately my wonderful neighbor picked up her phone and gave me the real directions. We were waaaay off, but are glad we toured the area. Yes, we had fun and spent too much at Sam’s!
southside cafe rules