Bottom line of the Mayor’s speech tonight…point fingers at everyone else – UGH!!!!!! Basic lesson I teach my kids – IT IS NOT SOMEONE ELSE’S FAULT – TAKE RESPONSIBILITY FOR YOUR OWN ACTIONS!
warpeace.jpg Think happy thought Greta….deep breath…down a beer…happy thoughts!!! I will not talk negative politics on this blog for my own sanity and yours! Complaining does no good…just a little venting here while concocting a strategy on how one mom at her keyboard can fix New Orleans! Move along folks…nothing to see here!
(picture borrowed from here).
(c/p at

update: others who picked up on the It’s Not Your Fault: B.Rox
update: clarification that the quote of this post happened after the speech. That is why you won’t find it in the speech transcripts!
update: The Times-Picayune article has the quotes of the “It’s not our fault” banter

“It’s not our fault that the levees breached that the federal government built,” he said, launching into an unscripted oratory that roused the only standing ovation of the night. “It’s not our fault that we were stranded and left. It’s not our fault that the Road Home program has issued only 12 percent of the grants after almost two years. It’s not our fault that our water system is leaking today. It’s not our fault.”