Hurricane Katrina Anniversary Hurricane Katrina Anniversary Hurricane Katrina Anniversary Hurricane Katrina Hurricane Katrina Anniversary Hurricane Katrina Anniversary Hurricane Katrina Anniversary Hurricane Katrina Anniversary Hurricane Katrina Anniversary Hurricane Katrina Anniversary Hurricane Katrina Anniversary

Now that I have your attention or at least made you land here from your Google search…please pull up your computer and stay a while. This blog is written by a post-Katrina newbie who loves her new home. This is where you get the positive news that you won’t get elsewhere. Now scroll down and read and comment!!!!

2 Replies to “Hurricane Katrina Anniversary”

  1. I see you are working for – Congratulations to you. Too bad I can’t blog there anymore because I really enjoyed speaking my three cents but I guess since I didn’t use any cuss words like a lot of other people use they don’t want to hear my point of view. Anyway, I was in the process of starting a mentor program with some other people in N.O. and now it is pushed to the wayside since I can’t blog anymore.

  2. I’m not making the connection there. This blog is owned by me. I freelance at I don’t cuss hmmmmm……Mentor programs are always worth your time. However, I am sure there are some good ones in place already. offers free wordpress sites.

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