Tonight the 3 kids (plus a friend ) and myself, bravely crossed Florida Street, rode down Villere Street and made it to the Mandeville Trailhead for the opening concert series. We had a blast!!!! I had 2 beers, the kids had $2 hot dogs, some chips and drinks (no cooking for me). We hung out at the Radio Disney van for a bit and then listened to some great music that was live! We heard “Kirk Joseph’s Backyard Groove” and they were phenomenal! There were a ton of people there with lawn chairs and blankets. Mostly everyone had their whole fam damily – so very child friendly. Nowhere else in the world would I be able to do this. Louisiana rocks and tonight the Northshore showed that it can keep up with the big boys in New Orleans!

If you want to know what is going on the Northshore, make sure you check out Lafete Northshore. For New Orleans happenings, subscribe to the free Lafete News! Bravo to Frank Stansbury for providing a fabulous and free event calendar!

***Read KMG every day on both and my personal blog! Be sure to mark April 19th 3:00 on your calendar for my premier radio show on WIST AM 690!

One Reply to “You can’t beat this with a stick”

  1. Greta, I passed you and the kids on bikes on my way to the concert around 7pm. We were late getting there. Had a great time too! The best was when My Girl said, “Mommy, everyone we know is here!” because we were out there dancing with our friends, the choir teacher and my hairstylist. Gotta love small towns!

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