Reader Donna wrote to Fox News as soon as she noticed the mistake in the Pick Your Nose this morning. This apology just came out tonight – but if you ask me – this is a big deal. You can’t take back print!!!
TP graphic wrong on McCain’s abortion stance
by The Times-Picayune
Tuesday November 04, 2008, 8:22 PM
A graphic on page A-5 in this morning’s Times-Picayune incorrectly stated that presidential candidate John McCain favors abortion rights. McCain believes that Roe v. Wade should be reversed and that the abortion question should be returned to the individual states. The information in the graphic was transmitted correctly by the Associated Press. However, in the editing process at the newspaper, McCain’s position on abortion and stem cell research were inadvertently transposed when converting the graphic into the form published in the newspaper. The newspaper regrets the error.
That sounds deliberate by a staffer.