I received this email yesterday. We can’t do enough for our men and women who serve and each of us working together can make a difference! I’m honored to be a part of Soldiers’ Angels.

It is really like heaven has sent all of you to earth, my prayers have truly been answered. I will tell you from the bottom of my heart nothing has brought me more happiness and the inner strength to hit everyday which such a positive attitude. The angels organization has truly whats kept me in such a positive attitude out here. I can not say that enough, the angels have honestly been the glue that keeps me focused and mission ready. What the angels have done for so many of these soldiers and those throughout the world can really be described as nothing more than heavenly, truly. From the letters to the gift boxes with meaningful items. Its is an answer to my prayers, I really do not have the words. I do not have much in way of family and all the angels have been my family, I feel so close too many of them like we are old friends, and yet I have never met them face to face. The simple things are what truly keep you going. Receiving a birthday card when no one else thought to send one. An e-mail and finding the niche items that soldiers request. It goes so much deeper than that. I can honestly say that soldiers angels are the one thing that makes being over here ok and adds value to what we do. Knowing that the human spirit is still alive and well with the angels as truly renewed my faith and hope in people. I have been raised with a lot of value and its sadly very hard to find that in todays’ society I try and set the right example for my soldiers. Its just refreshing talking to angels that seem to share a similar value system to my own, everyone is so genuine and that goes extremely far with me. I can not say enough about your
group they have truly kept me going the support in indescribable. Thank you.

~Lt H~

c/p Soldiers’ Angels LA & Kiss My Gumbo

2 Replies to “What drives me”

  1. wow how powerful. I’m ready to adopt another soldier hearing that what I do DOES make a difference to them. Thanks for sharing this greta…darn I am proud of you and what you do!! even though I know that is NOT why you do this…still thankful and proud of you and all the other angels

  2. HOT DAMN!! Isn’t it sweet to know that Soldiers’ Angels are making a difference. If I were a rich person, there wouldn’t be 700 Heroes waiting to be adopted…

    Thanks Greta.

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