Once in a while, as a coffee fanatic and blogger, my worlds collide. The latest was from French Market Coffee. I was approached by them as they just came out with pods for my Keurig. And FYI – not joking – I had just bought a couple of boxes, the day before they contacted me – face palm.
They delivered on my doorstep, the most awesome package of coffee lover goodness. The package was filled with non-usable beans (very green idea) and smelled delish. Inside was a mug, coupon, 2 bags of coffee (Chicory and Dark Roast), several pods (both flavors), a USB mug warmer, USB thumb drive, a t-shirt and a hand-written note. Their coffee is awesome and though I would prefer it free or IV, I must have to say they may have swung me from the “C” side, over to them. I’m a Yankee, so I went from “D” coffee to “C” coffee to now possibly the “F” brand 🙂
What the heck is a USB mug warmer?!? I think I might need one.
Here you go🙂