This year, I wrote about the awesome experience I was privileged to be part of, escorting my WWII friend, Sir JJ Witmeyer, to the Kentucky Derby race. You can read about that here. The owner of the horse, Normandy Invasion, Rick Porter of Fox Hill Farm did another amazing thing after the Derby. Rick named a horse, symbolically, after each of the veterans who were in attendance. JJ’s horse was named “Sir JJ.” His first response when he saw the picture of him, is that they resembled each other (he is a big jokester). The real Sir JJ, though not on the top of his game right now, will be cheering on his horse on TV as he makes his first debut at Belmont. on Saturday September 28, race 3 at 2:07 Eastern Time. Let’s give both Sir JJ’s some cheering on!!!!!