Decorating When Mardi Gras “Carnival Season” arrives, I’m like a little kid on Christmas Day. I can’t wait to decorate with the colors of purple, gold and green. A large part of Mardi decorating,involves things accumulated from years before. Treasured “throws,” such as a specific Krewe’s medallion beads, doubloons, King Cake babies, plush items or prized throws such …

Twas the night before Christmas, and all through the city (Mandeville), The Port Marigny team was still trying to do a dog and pony show to the P&Z committee; The pretty depictions of utopia were shoved down the citizens throats, In hopes that they buy this concept, without checking the CLURO notes; The City Council were …

New Orleans never gets tiresome, even to the locals (I’m a perpetual tourist). When the seasons change, so do the opportunities to experience something new and exciting or to revisit a time-honored family tradition. With any excuse to parade, decorate, or get in costume, Christmas is no exception. The Running of the Santas,  Krewe of Jingle parade, …

Well…if you’ve read my previous blog posts or talked to me in person, you probably get the idea that I’ve become completely disenchanted with the proposed Port Marigny project in Mandeville. Even worse…I have absolutely ZERO trust, with regards to anyone on the payroll of Port Marginy (gotta go with my gut here). They are …

The intent of this blog post is not to share my opinion (that may come later), it is to list 40 current facts about Mandeville’s newest proposed development, called “Port Marigny.” As residents of West St. Tammany, we should all be informed of something of this magnitude. I’ve taken the liberty of sketching in a few …