Update: AM 690 WIST (central) call in numbers 800-888-WIST (504)260-0690 3:00- 3:30 I will be interviewing FBI Special Agent Robert Basanez and we will cover as time allows * What’s the deal with Social Networking and child predators? * Can your online activity come back to haunt you? * What’s this new form of “bullying” …

August 16th podcast is up. The first half hour is filled with technical difficulties – too bad – a great interview with Anne Dale. I was distracted by technical difficulties most the half hour. The pros would so not let those get to them. So PLEASE SKIP over that and listen to the second half …

***Pricegate: Someone used this name on the forums & it is just “priceless.” The house of cards is falling fast. Now…how do we all explain this situation to our children??? ***Organizing: My business partner & I finished our job so fast we worked ourselves out of work – if that makes any sense at all. …