Well…you best go somewhere else…..go on…..go read sensationalized headlines. Go get spoon-fed articles from so-called “experts” on New Orleans and the flood prevention goals of the city. Nothing ticks me off more than people taking everything they read in print (or on the puter) as the Gospel. Bat Boy is a fictional character folks! Go …

WHERE: Baton Rouge, USS KIDD TIME: 3:00 WHAT: Operation America Rising – show you support the troops! Wear RW&B!!! WHERE I’LL BE: Under the Soldiers’ Angels banner – please come say hello!!!

“Patriotism is not short, frenzied outbursts of emotion, but the tranquil and steady dedication of a lifetime.” ~Adlai Stevenson~ “You have to love a nation that celebrates its independence every July 4, not with a parade of guns, tanks, and soldiers who file by the White House in a show of strength and muscle, but …

I repeat – I do not condone personal attacks. Form the conversation in this forum, seems others are doing it already. I always encourage healthy debate!!!! Re: New Orleans’ Levees: Are They Safe? Reply Quote Salty water…tap water. What’s the difference right Bob Bea? I’ll bet this guy can’t even pass the Pepsi Challenge. Tasting …

UGH! Another festival that I can’t miss. I will be heading to DC the second weekend of Jazzfest, so it just dawned on me that we need to take the whole fam damily this weekend. Friday after school is a possibility, Saturday after 3, or Sunday AM. Any advice welcome!!!!