Thank you to reader Kathie (find her at the Mandeville Trailhead 9-1 on Saturdays) for this fabulous and most creative gift. I have been asking hubby for a bracelet and he hasn’t come through. This one is absolutely “Priceless.” Bwahahaha!

What a well-worded editorial. Below is a quote from the editorial. But the criminal investigation isn’t Mayor Price’s only problem. Even short of criminal charges, he has shown horrendous leadership. He ought to step aside and let Mandeville choose a new mayor. The problem is, he will not resign. He already stated he won’t and …

I have decided that “Louisiana Political Tolerance Syndrome” is a major problem. Seems Louisiana residents will take just about anything these days. Kind of like the abused child who doesn’t know any better and still loves their mother. Sad but true. Hey – check out Yat Bazaar and bookmark it as a favorite!

Yep, you were being discussed at a City Council meeting last night. Well..maybe not you and the lampshade you wore on your head at a Christmas party, but your money. OK, I fess up, but until I became involved with the efforts of recalling the Mayor of Mandeville, I never attended a City Council meeting. …

I apologize for using my blog to pimp my business. But hey – a girl has to make a buck! Now that you are all settled down from Gustav, time to get organized. I personally know 2 of the best (& least expensive) Professional Organizers in town (hint hint). That would be…yours truly, and my …

Scratching my head in confusion as to why the Times-Picayune placed an editorial about the Mandeville City Council, patting them on the back, today. Is this a little T-P guilt band-aid for all Cindy Chang’s scathing headlines? Something stinks here as it does with my city’s local government. If the City Council had the best …

This was an actual letter sent to Kevin from an elderly person (name withheld). Your thoughts? LOUSY JOB MR. DAVIS! You called a mandatory evacuation of ALL of St. Tammany Parish, resulting in the motels in Covington (above I-12) closing their doors and putting your residents on the street with nowhere to go during the …

No, Gustav did not stop the recall efforts of Mandeville Mayor Eddie Price. We will be at the Lakefront Gazebo from 12:00-4:00 on Sunday. I’ll be there from 12-2 – hope to see you. Remember, you can sign and/or pick up a packet to go door to door in your neighborhood.

No house damage, the pets are only slightly traumatized and everything is canceled for a week – just a life interrupted with some minor inconveniences. My biggest concern, is that if there is another storm coming, people won’t leave. Evacuating is an expensive proposition! We had a wonderful time during our evacuation. I know that …