Instead of a card, I decided to write a blog post – makes sense right? Today, my husband Brett “B” and I celebrate 30 years of marriage. OMG I can’t possibly be this old! He was 31 and I was 26 (do the math) at Sandals St. Lucia, where we escaped to have a wedding/honeymoon. …
I don’t even like to admit when I have a migraine as it feels like total defeat. Kind of one of things that if you put it out there in the world – it becomes a fact (even though it is). Usually I reach for drugs and push through a workout and just give it …
I’ve written 1,000 posts in my head since I started blogging again (my 2nd post after a looong hiatus). I was never sure if my emotions and head space for that day would give my thoughts justice. Excuse me for my ramblings ahead of time…as there is a lot in my little head that I …
It’s been about 5 years since I last wrote to you (cue in SPCA music for blog neglect). We have a lot to catching up to do!!! I’ve ALWAYS considered blogging as my free therapy and it finally dawned on me, that I needed this outlet in my life again. Last week I announced to …

It all started with this Facebook post back on July 7th of this year. My Facebook friends are awesome and I immediately subscribed to a ton of recommendations. Since then, I’ve been like a kid (or myself – I love candy), in a candy shop. My ears have opened up to a whole world of …

Port Marigny 1.7% of the City of Mandeville will increase population >10% District 2 population will increase 32%

Twas the night before Christmas, and all through the city (Mandeville), The Port Marigny team was still trying to do a dog and pony show to the P&Z committee; The pretty depictions of utopia were shoved down the citizens throats, In hopes that they buy this concept, without checking the CLURO notes; The City Council were …

My last post was about tailgating on The Grove at Ole Miss, with my family all dressed in red and blue (saying Hotty Toddy). My oldest is a sophomore there, so we are into that SEC school for a reason. But last Saturday, I was decked out in a purple shirt, for LSU tailgating with our friends. With …

Dear Mandeville neighbors, politicians (in office and running), We fell in love with Mandeville, when we moved here in 2007. We recently bought our “forever home,” and I’m OK if my next stop is the St. Tammany morgue. I can be seen walking my dogs down to Sunset Point each day. You also might spot me running, …

I have played disc golf or frisbee golf, several times in my adult life. My kids always (or so I like to think), enjoy how my hubby and constantly joke with each other, especially making Seinfeld references. The poor kids grew up knowing about FROLF, but thinking it was as real as unicorns. Recently, I’ve …
With Top Chef taking place in New Orleans this season, everyone in the country seems to be talking about New Orleans food. This Infographic (see below) which is a Louisiana food primer, appeared yesterday on my Facebook timeline (thanks Wendy). It was something I “simply had to post” on my blog while chiming in my …
Anyone who knows me, knows that I have thoroughly enjoyed a morning cup of coffee (or 2 or 3) for the past 15 years. I can’t believe I did not drink coffee in college, but that is another story! Most weekday mornings, I post something on Facebook, related to coffee as my first post of …
Well…it came…I went…I wore a tutu and pigtails…I got messy…I had a great time. Then again, I always have fun:) But, I hate to say (don’t mean to be a Debbie Downer), but it was one of those…been there done that, don’t need to do it again things. A check off my bucket list and …
Here is the post from my first day. After my first day of Luxury SUV shopping, I changed my mind about what I wanted. I was really all set on having a 5 seater and then realized, that with 5 of us in the family, there was no room for an extra friend! I was …
Continue reading “Luxury SUV Shopping Days 2, 3 & 4: Good-Bye Mommy Van”
I have been wanting to ditch the Mommy Van for some time now. Trust me, it has served me well, but with 2 teens and a tween (one that will be driving this summer), time to move on. And bonus, when I cared for my Dad, I could toss his wheelchair in and not worry …
Continue reading “First Day of Luxury SUV Shopping: So Long Mommy Van”