It’s been about 5 years since I last wrote to you (cue in SPCA music for blog neglect). We have a lot to catching up to do!!! I’ve ALWAYS considered blogging as my free therapy and it finally dawned on me, that I needed this outlet in my life again. Last week I announced to …

Twas the night before Christmas, and all through the city (Mandeville), The Port Marigny team was still trying to do a dog and pony show to the P&Z committee; The pretty depictions of utopia were shoved down the citizens throats, In hopes that they buy this concept, without checking the CLURO notes; The City Council were …

I have quickly learned that there are great tools out there as far as medical equipment and assistive devices to help dad. Medicare pays for some and the rest needs to be purchased new, used or borrowed. Since he has only been here 5 weeks, we seem to finally have our act together! Thanks to …