My New Year’s resolution to focus on my blogs, has really paid off….NOT! The parade of sticky notes on my computer that simply said, “BLOG,” did not help much either!

My New Year’s resolution to focus on my blogs, has really paid off….NOT! The parade of sticky notes on my computer that simply said, “BLOG,” did not help much either!
Kiss My Gumbo has been a steady joy in my life since 2007. That is a lot of years for a blog. And to think that Hooah Wife is even older (born in 2004)! These blogs are my babies and have grown up with me for quite some time. I’ve always called them my “free …
So my pal Cara over at Peanuts Are Evil, who also happens to be one of my contractors at Kickify, tagged me on a Facebook post tonight. There was a story run on WDSU titled, Mommy Blogging Sweeps Through The Big Easy and my blog was linked at the end. I was kind of shocked …
Continue reading “Mom, Blogger, Businesswoman & Just Plain Crazy”
This blog documents my life since I moved outside of New Orleans, January of 2007. It is very near and dear to me and I never want to let it go. That being said…finding time to do necessary blog housekeeping has not not happened in a looooong time. One of the things I always want …
I have come to a point in my life where nothing surprises me, especially what people are looking for when they land on this blog. At least there are many normal ones – especially for local things and those have multiple hits. But it always cracks me up to see the crazy ones thrown in …
Yours truly will be on an upcoming panel of bloggers for the New Orleans chapter of the American Marketing Association. The topic is, “To blog or not to blog.” I will have the good fortune of being able to sit alongside some outstanding women: Shannon Hurst Lane, Erika Lehmann and Bridgette Duplantis. Should be a …
I do love you – you are still my outlet – my free therapy – a way to share information. What have I done to you? How have I ignored you so much? I am so sorry! Order of web priorities lately: 1. Facebook 2. Twitter 3. Blog You were my first born…my baby! Now …
Long overdue post and a big thanks to Brian, John and Chelsie for inviting me to be part of The Daily Beast Reboot America Summit. I have to admit, that I never read The Daily Beast before. I just don’t jive with their politics – if you know what I mean? Anyhoo, I am always …
Continue reading “The Daily Beast, Reboot America & General MCchrystal”
Many thanks to Bitchogram for making me their featured blogger for the week of September 1st. Do not miss my guest post:) ~The Bitching Princess~ @bitchogram on da Twittah too:)
My good friend JP over at Milblogging, referred Sears PR to me when were looking for a Milblogger in New Orleans to cover an amazing project through Rebuilding Together called “Fifty for Five.” Well, I fit the bill perfectly as someone who is influential (hopefully a good influence haha) through in social media avenues and …
Once a year I head to DC for the Milblog Conference. My friends there are still not convinced I have a husband as he says, “this is my thing” and holds the fort down for me while I network. I decided to take the shortcut this year and instead of blogging (I did write one …
Yes, the title is a Seinfeld reference – LOL. This past weekend I spoke to Louisiana National Guard State Family Support Conference and discussed blogging a bit. I’ve been blogging for almost 5 years now and I have ALL kinds of stuff out there. Lord, help me! Now, here is the kicker, I would also …
* Friday morning I will be giving a presentation to the VA Nurses Association in New Orleans. Yep, you guessed it – talking about Soldiers’ Angels. I’m ready! * After the lecture I head to DC for the Milblog Conference. I’m going to represent Soldiers’ Angels as the blog coordinator. And in case you didn’t …
You will understand after reading this post over there, why I started blogging. Yes, Hooah Wife is my military blog and this is my fun everything New Orleans blog. I have multiple personalities!
Go on over to and checkout a picture of myself and the webmaster and dear friend JP. While you are there, check out a few blogs and get to know the community of Milbloggers (military bloggers for you slow people). Oh – and if you register – make Hooah Wife & Friends (my other …