I need a unique logo for this site. Something that will NEVER go out of style. I will announce the winner whenever I get at least 5-10 submissions! Sorry – no cash prizes here, just the joy of knowing your work made it somehwere sort of important!

Yesterday, my goal was to get listed in the blogroll for NOLA.com, and I accomplished it (thanks Jon Donley- editor). So if you are landing here because of that – WELCOME! Pull up your keyboard & jump right in & chat with me. All opinions expressed here are mine, all mine (evil laugh inserted here)! …

Nola.com talked about an art exhibit coming this Sunday to…you guessed it, New Orleans. As I work on java cup #3 this morning I am eager with anticipation for this exhibit. Huge impressionist fan here – yippee!!! Anyone want to go with me?

What happened to your area from Katrina? Well, in Mandeville (where I now live), big trees fell on houses & water often destroyed the gaping holes. My house was fortunate as the trees never penetrated the roof or fell on someone else’s roof. Today I am having that last hazardous over 40 year old pine …