There is a lot of political poo-flinging in St. Tammany right now, but I would expect nothing less here. There also seems to be a movement to get some local incumbents out. If signs were to win elections, the incumbents would win -the streets is littered with them. But hopefully the people of St. Tammany …
Apparently “someone” (Terry Jones) in St. Tammany Parish has been filing for homestead exemption even though he does not really live in the Slidell home. Hmmmm……..make a spectacle of yourself while your i’s are not dotted and t’s not crossed is never a smart move!
For those on the Northshore, or even the Southshore who have not been to Ruby’s Roadhouse in Mandeville, time to get up and go. Yours truly is not much one for going to bars and dancing these days (seems going out is limited to events). However, being that is a hop skip and a jump …
If you live in Louisiana (not far how this stretches), at least St. Tammany, you do not have yellow filters over your eyes! This yellow pollen haze is real and it is kicking my arse! Forget car washes for now, don’t bother pressure washing your house just yet, keep your windows closed and be careful …
“Hail Orpheus, Hail Yes!” is the saying from the Krewe my husband rides in. The Original Krewe of Orpheus rolled last night in Mandeville and hubby had a fabulous day, beginning with golf at 8:30 and ending after 11 with the end of the parade in walking distance from our house. My curiosity got the …
Skydiving, rock climbing, climbing to the top of the Swiss Alps, skiing down a black diamond were all exciting, but were not comparable to the 3 hours I rode in the Krewe of Eve last night. Though I continue to preach to people that they must experience Mardi Gras at least once in their life, …
This is the getting ready portion of the parade. Enjoy.
The more I experience life – the more I believe in “karma.” After reading the headline below today, I truly believe that the man who stole from this boy who was bitten by an alligator – will get his! Now, what I wish for this man in return from stealing from a young boy may …
Yep – Eddie Price in the news with a 2004 story about how he used and abused the taxpayers money to go a wedding. What can I say anymore, but I am not surprised. He is the gift that keeps on giving (for news) or should I say – taking. Grrrrrr…. Because I was involved …
I am writing this for those who have never been to a Royal Revelation Ceremony and for those who are convinced that Mardi Gras is only about girls tits boobs (that will increase my traffic – mwuhahaha). Last year my husband rode in the Orginal Krewe of Oprheus, but came in late. This year, he …
Yes, while the rest of the world is planning Christmas, in Louisiana, we are planning Mardi Gras too! Here is the 2009 schedule of parades. If you are in St Tammany, the kids are off the 23rd through the 27th of February, which gives you vacation wiggle room from Saturday February 21- Sunday March 1. …
Whether you are from Louisiana or not, you will find something on this list that is unique and in good taste! Please check back as I will continue to update it and also make this a static page on the sidebar. Many of these are from businesses in St. Tammany and New Orleans and support …
This article hit me this morning as something with some serious inconsistencies &/or agenda. We already know the Times-Picayune endorsed Obama, he won and now we must all move forward. This is not newsworthy (IMHO), it is looking for trouble. The comments made me want to vomit because everyone commenting on it has the , …
Continue reading “Poking holes in an Obama/St Tammany article”
I thought I’d give you some other St Tammany blogs to visit. Supporting fellow bloggers is important;) DailyDelilah Sacred Hamburgers Mimosa momma update: oops wrong one and it is not active yet Because I said so Cheryl’s Musings and Updates Sandy’s Spot on the Web My Bayou Vieux I Could Write a Book Pontchartrain Pete …
1. Download your sample ballot from the SOS’s website here. 2. For candidate information click here. 3. To make sense of all the Constitutional Amendments in the state, click here. It is done very well. 4. St Tammany Voters, get a breakdown off all the candidates here. ***Check your polling station location – sometimes they …