The convention was called Blog World and New Media Expo.” I “worked” the floor yesterday, meaning I visited all the booths (and pimped Soldiers’ Angels). I went mainly for the Milblog conference and the expo was lagniappe. As for new media, I have been part of it for 4 years now and you most likely …
I can’t say that Vegas is my favorite place in the world. I’ve been here a bunch BC (before children for you slow people). We were stationed in Sacramento and used to hop down for the weekend to gamble (93-95), hubby would golf and maybe take in a show. Now granted, coming for the Milblog …
Yours truly will be heading to Vegas on Friday morning. Yippee. I’m going there to represent Soldiers’ Angels at the 3rd Milblog conference. This year the conference is combined with the Blogworld Expo. Blog and internet geek heaven if you ask me. The good thing about this conference is it will energize me to write …
Let’s talk about Mandeville, St Tammany or anything local on your mind. ***This live blog will also appear on
I’ve been a very lazy blogger lately. To bee a good blogger, besides having great content and posting frequently, you should always read, comment and whenever possible, link to other blogs. To tell you the truth, I have been so focused on the writing that lately I have let the other stuff slip. Bad Greta …
Dear Princess of Positive, Why do you do it? Why do you continue to write almost every day? How do you stay motivated to write when you only get $200 a month for your posts and you actually pay to host your own blog? ~Ramon – your hot fictitious pool boy~ Dear Ramon, I …
I want to begin my post (a column for the internet that does not go into print and allows comments with the reader and author – that is my definition) by saying that I am humbled and honored to have my blog read by anyone! Kiss My Gumbo is a fun blog and will continue …
Continue reading “Attention bloggers, future bloggers & blog readers (that covers everyone)”
Never mind the mommy and domestic goddess responsibilities. The Princess of Positive has a very full schedule the next few days and hopefully I will see some of you at the events (still waiting for my new custom tiara and when I get it – you won’t be able to miss me). * Thursday March …
Memes are little things that come around on the web that are like a bad cough that you share with your friends because you refuse to cover your mouth. Kind of like chain letters of modern day. I think I personally own the record for chain letter breaking. Yes, I even broke the children’s sticker …
UPDATE: Apologies to Clifford from Red Stick Rant – he is not – I repeat – not a Yankee by birth. But, he did live there for a short time and he is a Red Sox fan! ***Monday is here and yes, I will do my “yay the kids are back in school dance.” ***What…March …
I am constantly re-evaluating my “plans.” When I found out we were moving to Louisiana just over a year ago, my plans for my future all fell into place within a couple of months. I jumped in feet first and so much has happened. Of course, the #1 thing is that my family is all …
I was speaking to someone the other day who told me LSU & Tulane picked their colors for their schools based on the leftover material from Mardi Gras. Makes sense, but it is true? I had to ask her, “Are you sure this isn’t some old wive’s tale?” She was convinced it wasn’t and so …
D’uh, they are both interactive (I LIVE for comments-hint). Well readers, as you know (or you don’t and should read my archives), my parents are visiting from MA and they hey have never ever been to Mardi Gras before. So, I spent the day explaining (too freaking cold to go to a parade today) why …
I won something and it means more to me than most awards we circulate in the world of blogging. It was given to me by an e-friend who owns the blog Conversations in Time. She has an amazing story, life and is truly a good soul. She is a 41 year old heterosexual woman who …
My name is Greta. “Hi Greta.” I turn 40 on March 16th and it has been 1 week since I last touched King Cake or beer. Hehehe – feeling silly at 2 AM. I missed the memo that most hysterectomy post-op patients also get INSOMNIA!!! Note to self, call for Ambien tomorrow. Too bad my …