If you live in St. Tammany, you certainly have heard all the latest on the Parish President, Kevin Davis. Not only does he want to have the opportunity to serve another term (Eddie ain’t getting his job fer sure), but to build a casino. I did not live here when gambling was previously voted down …
Yep – Eddie Price in the news with a 2004 story about how he used and abused the taxpayers money to go a wedding. What can I say anymore, but I am not surprised. He is the gift that keeps on giving (for news) or should I say – taking. Grrrrrr…. Because I was involved …
I am so disgusted with how “over the top” Christmas has become. Buhleeve me – my house is ridiculous as well. Today, my kids are passing out their gifts to all their teachers and bus drivers. Instead of buying them something, this year I purchased a Christmas “Wrapped in Holiday” care package in honor of …
Yes, while the rest of the world is planning Christmas, in Louisiana, we are planning Mardi Gras too! Here is the 2009 schedule of parades. If you are in St Tammany, the kids are off the 23rd through the 27th of February, which gives you vacation wiggle room from Saturday February 21- Sunday March 1. …
Every year my husband takes the kids shopping for “Mommy gifts.” Today was the day and I got to stay home and play Cinderella (poor me – I know). I have to make a list of more stuff than I really want and they pick and choose from the list. The list included: a bunch …
…and it is hurting the citizens of this great City (playing on the…”Our business stinks, but it’s picking up” commercials). OK – I’d be remiss if I did not address the latest article about the Mayor of Mandeville, Eddie Price. A fishing trip compliments of a waste management company that was going to bid on …
Reward being offered. If you have any information regarding the fire on Villere Street on Saturday November 8th, please call the State Fire Marshall’s Office at (800) 256-4593 As many of you know, someone recently set fire to the co-chair of the recall petition’s house. Rodney Boudreaux, a kind-hearted citizen, trying to make a difference …
Anyone else want to come into my bubble??? You can only come in if you promise to be nice to everyone, tolerant of all others and are “positive.” Oh ya… you must also bring me beer and cook (I have a cooking disability). Seriously, KKK in 2008. I’m a Yankee, this is all movie and …
As you all know, I have been working on the recall petition for the Mayor of Mandeville, Eddie Price, it is not a secret. This Sunday I returned from a DC, 4 day Soldiers’ Angels trip. On the way home, I decided to tell the group that from this day on, that 100% of my …
(picture of me – left and the founder of Soldiers’ Angels, Patti Patton-Bader on the night of the gala) Spending this past weekend in DC at the Soldiers’ Angels gala, going to dinner with some wounded heroes and getting to spend some time at Walter Reed, made me once again re-examine my priorities. Supporting our …
My son just finished a complete wash “0-6” of a football season at Pelican Park in Mandeville, LA. We have lived many places and played in many youth programs and Pelican Park is the cream of the crop – trust me on this. So how did a “random draft” of 12 year olds create a …
Good article in the St. Tammany News. Yes, it is about the recall.
Oh puhleeze – give me a freaking break. Tonight I was standing with the wonderful group of people with The Concerned Citizens of Mandeville (the recall group). We were on the porch of City Hall – in the dark (as the lights weren’t turned on for us until the end) collecting some signatures. A man …
Apologies to all my non-Mandeville readers – but this is important! Update 10/23 Fabulous article by Stephanie Grace. Come and meet yours truly and the other Concerned Citizens of Mandeville outside City Hall to show your support for the recall efforts of Mayor Price. I was asked by the St. Tammany News today what I …
I’ve always been hesitant to lease a car for fear of going over the mileage. If I had only know how cheap it was to lease locally, I never would have bought my stupid Mommy van! Thanks Cindy Chang for providing today’s Mandeville humor. You would honestly think it was something that came out of …