It was our very first visit to the Louisiana Children’s Museum. As usual the day was filled with mishapsadventures. 1. Getting out the door – fighting kids! 2. Following directions your friend says are better than your mapquest print out. Let’s just say I took the scenic route and saw East Orleans Parish for the …

Yesterday, I was having a wonderful conversation with a born & raised local dad from my son’s baseball team. He was asking where we had lived, grew up, gone to college and how we ended up here. * When I told him we had lived all over the US and knew we would end up …

I have a folder on my desktop called “cool stuff for blogs.” Usually people send me stuff, but sometimes I surf for fun and find them. I was in Cafe Press, surfing for New Orleans stuff and came across this: And get this…it was designed by someone who calls themselves “The Anti-Northshore Alliance.” Puhleeze! I …

Negative PR, murders, corruption, another hurricane season, Nagin, Jefferson, Blanco…need I say more? Honestly, Louisiana is taking a beating in the PR war. I have officially decided (like that makes a difference) that Louisiana needs to take the “car salesman” approach (no offense if you sell cars – hey everyone has to make a living). …

Yesterday was a field day for “armchair mayors” discussing the Mayor’s speech. Whateva… It is so much easier to stand in the sidelines and say what you woulda done or said better, but fun to pick it apart (fess up …you know it is). I’ve heard so many dollar figures bounced around this week that …

Bottom line of the Mayor’s speech tonight…point fingers at everyone else – UGH!!!!!! Basic lesson I teach my kids – IT IS NOT SOMEONE ELSE’S FAULT – TAKE RESPONSIBILITY FOR YOUR OWN ACTIONS! Think happy thought Greta….deep breath…down a beer…happy thoughts!!! I will not talk negative politics on this blog for my own sanity and …

It seems Mayor Nagin’s office is making some PR efforts to help NOLA. Buhleeve you & me, I would love to think of him without the photoshopped Wonka hat – really I would! If he has done anything right (& I’m sure he has) since the storm – it ain’t making the news! Listen up …